
The Best Life Solution Company

Coway is a Korean company founded in 1987. We have researched and developed world-class air and water purifiers, living appliances and mattresses.

Our Mission

Create a Better Life for Everyone

Understanding the various dynamics of our consumer lifestyle and providing innovative and reliable products with quality is our mission to go forward.

Our promise is to keep the responsibility of the world’s top Air Maker. We will build trust through our products and provide fresh air that is truly essential to everyone. We are proud to bring our award-winning products to Australia.

The Best Life Solution Company

Our Worthy


No. 1 in korea

Brand power of Water purifier

1st place in & Water purifier over 20 years based on K-BPI

4.2 Billion AUD(* 2.8 Billion USD)

Annual Sales

2022 K_IFRS Consolidated basis

18+ Million

Air Purifier Sales

Sold globally as of 2022

40+ Countries

Global Operations

2022 basis

6,046 Persons


2022 basis

429 Researchers

R&D resources

2022 basis

6,851 Cases

Intellectual Property

including utility patents, trademarkes, design 2022 basis

223,942 kWh

Renewable Energy

Power generated in 2021

17,740 Tons

Waste Recycle

2022 basis


Contact us
Start a partnership with Coway for a healthier environment and a brighter future.